Three original stories featuring the terrifying Bob, a skeleton with a pink-knitted jumper and a penchant for trouble! All profits go to the Million for a Morgue campaign.
Kathy Reichs said, “My grandson found this hilarious. As did I!” and “Deliciously macabre,” said Val McDermid, “laugh-out-loud funny” (said her kid).
Sue Black says, “We make absolutely no bones about Stuart MacBride’s great talent for story telling whether for the adult or the child. He understands the boundary of thrill that a child needs to make a book enticing whilst ensuring that there is a strong solidity of morality to keep them safe. Skeleton Bob’s adventures are enchanting stories for the adult and the child alike.”
Stuart MacBride shows his wonderfully sick and twisted mind is every bit as capable of scaring and distressing children as it is adults! This is a brilliant, funny and gorgeously illustrated story – a real gem.
Skeleton Bob is my favourite fleshless hero! Destined to become a much-loved children’s favourite.